Federal Elections
- Council of States
Council of States elections 2023
Search by canton
More details
Canton: Zurich
Canton: Bern
Canton: Lucerne
Canton: Uri
Canton: Schwyz
Canton: Obwalden
Canton: Nidwalden
Canton: Glarus
Canton: Zug
Canton: Fribourg
Canton: Solothurn
Canton: Basel-Stadt
Canton: Basel-Landschaft
Canton: Schaffhausen
Canton: Appenzell Ausserrhoden
Canton: Appenzell Innerrhoden
Canton: St. Gallen
Canton: Graubünden
Canton: Aargau
Canton: Thurgau
Canton: Ticino
Canton: Vaud
Canton: Valais
Canton: Neuchâtel
Canton: Geneva
Canton: Jura
Elected persons
Name | Party | Votes |
Allocation of mandates: Canton of Geneva
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Results parties at a glance: Canton of Geneva
Results parties at a glance: Canton of Geneva Council of States 2023
Show columns
Party | Seats | Seats(Difference) | Women% | Women%(Difference) |
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Results parties at a glance: Canton of Geneva
Candidates: Canton of Geneva Council of States 2023
Name | Elected | Votes 1st ballot | Votes 2nd ballot | Sex | Party |
Announced candidacies. Cantons of ZH, LU, GL, BL, SH, AG and TG have a procedure of voluntary announcement of candidacy. Voters can cast their votes either for someone who has voluntarily announced their candidacy or any other citizen who has the right to vote in Switzerland. Cantons of UR, AR and GR do not have any special procedure to be followed by candidates. All citizens with the right to vote in Switzerland may become candidates and voters may select anyone who has the right to vote.
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