Élections fédérales
- Conseil national
Élections au Conseil national 2023: Parti le plus fort
Répartition des mandats: Suisse
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Personnes élues par parti
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Personnes élues
Personnes élues Conseil national 2023
Nom |
Canton |
Parti |
Sexe |
Statut |
N° canton |
Balmer Bettina | ZH | PLR | F | - | 1 |
Portmann Hans-Peter | ZH | PLR | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Sauter Regine | ZH | PLR | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Silberschmidt Andri | ZH | PLR | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Walti Beat | ZH | PLR | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Barandun Nicole | ZH | Centre | F | - | 1 |
Bürgin Yvonne | ZH | Centre | F | - | 1 |
Kutter Philipp | ZH | Centre | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Alijaj Islam | ZH | PS | M | - | 1 |
Rosenwasser Anna | ZH | PS | F | - | 1 |
Badran Jacqueline | ZH | PS | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Marti Min Li | ZH | PS | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Meyer Mattea | ZH | PS | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Molina Fabian | ZH | PS | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Seiler Graf Priska | ZH | PS | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Widmer Céline | ZH | PS | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Fehr Düsel Nina | ZH | UDC | F | - | 1 |
Hübscher Martin | ZH | UDC | M | - | 1 |
Fischer 'Benjamin 'Beni'' | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Haab Martin | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Heer 'Alfred 'Fredi'' | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Matter 'Thomas 'Tommy'' | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Rutz Gregor | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Steinemann Barbara | ZH | UDC | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Tuena Mauro | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Walliser Bruno | ZH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Gugger Nik | ZH | PEV | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Bäumle Martin | ZH | PVL | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Gredig Corina | ZH | PVL | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Moser Tiana Angelina | ZH | PVL | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Schaffner Barbara | ZH | PVL | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Girod Bastien | ZH | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Glättli Balthasar | ZH | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 1 |
Prelicz-Huber Katharina | ZH | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Schlatter Marionna | ZH | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 1 |
Vontobel Erich | ZH | UDF | M | - | 1 |
Wasserfallen Christian | BE | PLR | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Nause Reto | BE | Centre | M | - | 2 |
Hess Lorenz | BE | Centre | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Zybach Ursula | BE | PS | F | - | 2 |
Aebischer Matthias | BE | PS | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Funiciello Tamara | BE | PS | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Masshardt Nadine | BE | PS | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Wasserfallen Flavia | BE | PS | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Knutti Thomas | BE | UDC | M | - | 2 |
Riem Katja | BE | UDC | F | - | 2 |
Salzmann Werner | BE | UDC | M | - | 2 |
Wandfluh Ernst | BE | UDC | M | - | 2 |
Bühler Manfred | BE | UDC | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Guggisberg Lars | BE | UDC | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Hess Erich | BE | UDC | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Umbricht Pieren Nadja | BE | UDC | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Jost Marc | BE | PEV | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Bertschy Kathrin | BE | PVL | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Grossen Jürg | BE | PVL | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Mettler Melanie | BE | PVL | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Badertscher Christine | BE | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Baumann Kilian | BE | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Trede Aline | BE | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 2 |
Gafner Andreas | BE | UDF | M | sortant/e | 2 |
Schilliger Peter | LU | PLR | M | sortant/e | 3 |
Kaufmann Pius | LU | Centre | M | - | 3 |
Müller Leo | LU | Centre | M | sortant/e | 3 |
Wismer-Felder Priska | LU | Centre | F | sortant/e | 3 |
Candan Hasan | LU | PS | M | - | 3 |
Roth David | LU | PS | M | - | 3 |
Thalmann-Bieri Vroni | LU | UDC | F | - | 3 |
Grüter Franz | LU | UDC | M | sortant/e | 3 |
Töngi Michael | LU | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 3 |
Stadler Simon | UR | Centre | M | sortant/e | 4 |
Gössi Petra | SZ | PLR | F | sortant/e | 5 |
Blunschy Dominik | SZ | Centre | M | - | 5 |
Bürgi Roman | SZ | UDC | M | - | 5 |
Dettling Marcel | SZ | UDC | M | sortant/e | 5 |
Rüegger Monika | OW | UDC | F | sortant/e | 6 |
Durrer-Knobel Regina | NW | Centre | F | - | 7 |
Schnyder Markus | GL | UDC | M | - | 8 |
Pfister Gerhard | ZG | Centre | M | sortant/e | 9 |
Aeschi Thomas | ZG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 9 |
Weichelt Manuela | ZG | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 9 |
Gobet Nadine | FR | PLR | F | - | 10 |
Bulliard-Marbach Christine | FR | Centre | F | sortant/e | 10 |
Roth Pasquier Marie-France | FR | Centre | F | sortant/e | 10 |
Piller Carrard Valérie | FR | PS | F | sortant/e | 10 |
Kolly Nicolas | FR | UDC | M | - | 10 |
Page Pierre-André | FR | UDC | M | sortant/e | 10 |
Andrey Gerhard | FR | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 10 |
Michel Simon | SO | PLR | M | - | 11 |
Müller-Altermatt Stefan | SO | Centre | M | sortant/e | 11 |
Roth Franziska | SO | PS | F | sortant/e | 11 |
Wyssmann Rémy | SO | UDC | M | - | 11 |
Imark Christian | SO | UDC | M | sortant/e | 11 |
Wettstein Felix | SO | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 11 |
Wyss Sarah | BS | PS | F | sortant/e | 12 |
von Falkenstein Patricia | BS | PL | F | sortant/e | 12 |
Christ Katja | BS | PVL | F | sortant/e | 12 |
Arslan Sibel | BS | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 12 |
Schneeberger Daniela | BL | PLR | F | sortant/e | 13 |
Schneider-Schneiter Elisabeth | BL | Centre | F | sortant/e | 13 |
Marti Samira | BL | PS | F | sortant/e | 13 |
Nussbaumer Eric | BL | PS | M | sortant/e | 13 |
de Courten Thomas | BL | UDC | M | sortant/e | 13 |
Sollberger Sandra | BL | UDC | F | sortant/e | 13 |
Brenzikofer Florence | BL | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 13 |
Munz Martina | SH | PS | F | sortant/e | 14 |
Hurter Thomas | SH | UDC | M | sortant/e | 14 |
Zuberbühler David | AR | UDC | M | sortant/e | 15 |
Rechsteiner Thomas | AI | Centre | M | sortant/e | 16 |
Dobler Marcel | SG | PLR | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Vincenz-Stauffacher Susanne | SG | PLR | F | sortant/e | 17 |
Paganini Nicolò | SG | Centre | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Ritter Markus | SG | Centre | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Friedl Claudia | SG | PS | F | sortant/e | 17 |
Gysi Barbara | SG | PS | F | sortant/e | 17 |
Gartmann Walter | SG | UDC | M | - | 17 |
Büchel Roland Rino | SG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Egger Mike | SG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Götte Michael | SG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Reimann Lukas | SG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 17 |
Ryser Franziska | SG | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 17 |
Giacometti Anna | GR | PLR | F | sortant/e | 18 |
Candinas Martin | GR | Centre | M | sortant/e | 18 |
Pult Jon | GR | PS | M | sortant/e | 18 |
Hug Roman | GR | UDC | M | - | 18 |
Martullo-Blocher Magdalena | GR | UDC | F | sortant/e | 18 |
Jauslin Matthias Samuel | AG | PLR | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Riniker Maja | AG | PLR | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Binder-Keller Marianne | AG | Centre | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Meier Andreas | AG | Centre | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Brizzi Simona | AG | PS | F | - | 19 |
Suter Gabriela | AG | PS | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Wermuth Cédric | AG | PS | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Riner Christoph | AG | UDC | M | - | 19 |
Bircher Martina | AG | UDC | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Burgherr Thomas | AG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Giezendanner Benjamin | AG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Glarner Andreas | AG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Heimgartner Stefanie | AG | UDC | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Huber Alois | AG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Flach Beat | AG | PVL | M | sortant/e | 19 |
Kälin Irène | AG | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 19 |
Vietze Kristiane (Kris) | TG | PLR | F | - | 20 |
Lohr Christian | TG | Centre | M | sortant/e | 20 |
Schläfli Nina | TG | PS | F | - | 20 |
Schmid Pascal | TG | UDC | M | - | 20 |
Gutjahr Diana | TG | UDC | F | sortant/e | 20 |
Strupler Manuel | TG | UDC | M | sortant/e | 20 |
Gianini Simone | TI | PLR | M | - | 21 |
Farinelli Alex | TI | PLR | M | sortant/e | 21 |
Regazzi Fabio | TI | Centre | M | sortant/e | 21 |
Storni Bruno | TI | PS | M | sortant/e | 21 |
Pamini Paolo | TI | UDC | M | - | 21 |
Marchesi Piero | TI | UDC | M | sortant/e | 21 |
Gysin Greta | TI | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 21 |
Quadri Lorenzo | TI | Lega | M | sortant/e | 21 |
Broulis Pascal | VD | PLR | M | - | 22 |
de Quattro Jacqueline | VD | PLR | F | sortant/e | 22 |
Feller Olivier | VD | PLR | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Wehrli Laurent | VD | PLR | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Chappuis Isabelle | VD | Centre | F | - | 22 |
Jaccoud Jessica | VD | PS | F | - | 22 |
Tschopp Jean | VD | PS | M | - | 22 |
Bendahan Samuel | VD | PS | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Crottaz Brigitte | VD | PS | F | sortant/e | 22 |
Maillard Pierre-Yves | VD | PS | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Nordmann Roger | VD | PS | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Freymond Sylvain | VD | UDC | M | - | 22 |
Pahud Yvan | VD | UDC | M | - | 22 |
Buffat Michaël | VD | UDC | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Nicolet Jacques | VD | UDC | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Weber Céline | VD | PVL | F | sortant/e | 22 |
Mahaim Raphaël | VD | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 22 |
Michaud Gigon Sophie | VD | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 22 |
Porchet Léonore | VD | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 22 |
Nantermod Philippe | VS | PLR | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Bregy Philipp Matthias | VS | Centre | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Kamerzin Sidney | VS | Centre | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Roduit Benjamin | VS | Centre | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Amoos Emmanuel | VS | PS | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Addor Jean-Luc | VS | UDC | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Graber Michael | VS | UDC | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Clivaz Christophe | VS | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 23 |
Cottier Damien | NE | PLR | M | sortant/e | 24 |
Hurni Baptiste | NE | PS | M | sortant/e | 24 |
Calame Didier | NE | UDC | M | - | 24 |
Fivaz Fabien | NE | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 24 |
Aellen Cyril | GE | PLR | M | - | 25 |
De Montmollin Simone | GE | PLR | F | sortant/e | 25 |
Maitre Vincent | GE | Centre | M | sortant/e | 25 |
Revaz Estelle | GE | PS | F | - | 25 |
Dandrès Christian | GE | PS | M | sortant/e | 25 |
Fehlmann Rielle Laurence | GE | PS | F | sortant/e | 25 |
Poncet Charles | GE | UDC | M | - | 25 |
Amaudruz Céline | GE | UDC | F | sortant/e | 25 |
Klopfenstein Broggini Delphine | GE | VERT-E-S | F | sortant/e | 25 |
Walder Nicolas | GE | VERT-E-S | M | sortant/e | 25 |
Golay Roger | GE | MCR | M | - | 25 |
Poggia Mauro | GE | MCR | M | - | 25 |
Fridez Pierre-Alain | JU | PS | M | sortant/e | 26 |
Stettler Thomas | JU | UDC | M | - | 26 |
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Aperçu des résultats des partis: Suisse
Aperçu des résultats des partis: Suisse Conseil national 2023
Parti |
Mandats |
Mandats (Évolution) |
Voix% |
Voix%(Évolution) |
Femmes% |
Femmes%(Évolution) |
PLR | 28 | 14,25 | 42,86 | |||
Centre | 29 | 14,06 | 31,03 | |||
PS | 41 | 18,27 | 58,54 | |||
UDC | 62 | 27,93 | 19,35 | |||
PEV | 2 | 1,95 | 0 | |||
PCS | 0 | 0,09 | 0 | |||
PVL | 10 | 7,55 | 70 | |||
PST/Sol. | 0 | 0,72 | 0 | |||
AVF | 0 | 0,17 | 0 | |||
VERT-E-S | 23 | 9,78 | 56,52 | |||
DS | 0 | 0,08 | 0 | |||
UDF | 2 | 1,23 | 0 | |||
Lega | 1 | 0,55 | 0 | |||
MCR | 2 | 0,51 | 0 | |||
Autres | 0 | 2,84 | 0 |
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Mandats par parti et par sexe: Suisse
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Participation électorale
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Force des partis: Suisse
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Évolution de la force des partis: Suisse
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Mandats par parti: Suisse
Petits partis du centre
Petits partis de gauche (PST, Sol.)
Petits partis de droite
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Variation des mandats: Suisse
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Variation de la force des partis: Suisse
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Évolution de la part des femmes
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